Will God Save Us From Coronavirus?


Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) war, I have been continuously mulling over this topic. In fact, like others, I have also started doubting God’s existence? If he (or She) really exists, why is he not helping us in our fight against this invisible enemy lurking in every nook and corner? First, let me clarify that ‘my God’ does not belong to any particular religious sect or faith, so please don’t get offended. Here are 10 plausible responses by God:

1. How can I take sides? I have created the entire universe. For me there’s no difference between a virus and a human—both are biological organisms—irrespective of the fact that, while you are aware of my existence and offer me prayers, a virus does not.

2. I’m trying to help you meet the goal set in the Paris climate agreement. Don’t you notice the reduction in carbon emissions which otherwise would have been nigh impossible? You know well that every time you tried to implement it, your greed and selfishness came in the way. To change the status quo, a sense of urgency was required and I could not find a better way to make you understand the distinction between essential and non-essential.

3. You fool! Don’t you feel ashamed asking for my help? Do you realize the pain I feel when you virtually rape the planet earth—one of my masterpieces—day in and day out?

4. Please allow me to confess that I’m not omnipotent and at times, the reins of the earth empire go in the hands of the Devil, who everyone knows is a sadist deriving pleasure from your sufferings. But don’t you worry, I will soon defeat him and take back the reins.

5. How dare you ask me for a favor? What about the killings you and your brethren do in my name? If you review human history in detail, the total killings made in the name of religion are many times more than the number of people killed by all the viruses and anti-human microbes put together.

6. I have specially designed the coronavirus in my lab as an antidote against the human virus and now you are asking me to help you get rid of it? No way, and please don’t ask why I did this. You know it quite well that my purpose of giving you brains was only one; you look after this planet while I concentrate on creating life on other planets. But you have let me down; sorry dear, it’s too late now.

Anyway, I would like to understand why you did not pay heed to the warning sounded by Bill Gates during his 2015 TED talk given just after the Ebola outbreak of 2014.  Didn’t he tell you that the viruses pose the greatest risk of global catastrophe when compared to other threats to humanity?

7. How does it matter? Supposing I save you from this pandemic, who will save you from the sixth extinction—your own creation—which is fast approaching?

8. Hey, come on! Are you kidding me? You have already built the nukes, decoded the genetic code, discovered the god particle, photographed the black hole, designed the quantum computer, created the artificial intelligence, mastered nanotechnology, achieved a breakthrough in genome editing, and are well on the way to become immortal. Your exploits are so fascinating that I have started feeling threatened. And here you are telling me you are unable to fight a microbe, the tiniest creature on earth. Just Amazing! I simply refuse to believe you.

9. This was the only option left to unify humanity and put a stop to all other battles being fought like trade wars, territory wars, religious wars, corporates wars, family feuds, etc. In response to an outside threat, the warring factions usually put the enmity aside and join forces to fight it rather than against each other.

10. Ok, I’ll save you from the Coronavirus but first promise me that you will get rid of the greed virus and the communal virus. Also, take a vow that you will slow down a bit, discard GDP as a metric of progress, stop plundering the planet in the name of growth and let nature reclaim its space. And don’t forget, no more atrocities against animals. And for God’s (my) sake, please stop breeding like rabbits. Finally, please stop offering prayers to me, and before calling yourself humans, learn to practice humanity. However, keep on reminding yourself that this is going to be your last chance. Best of Luck!

Also Read:

  1. Does God really exist?
  2. Do We Live in a Fake World?
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